Philatelic collection for sale, Europe, Oceania, Asia, Nth America, Sth America and Africa.

Stamps for Sale
Offering a wide variety
Stamp collecting has been a passion for more than 30 years
I utilise Stampworld to showcase my philatelic collection for sale. The categories below break up my stamp collection into regions. Please enjoy browsing via these shortcuts.
Stamps NOT listed in Stampworld Catalogue
These stamps are of a special issues, and not issued on regular yearly basis by Australia Post, such as 1991 Sydney parcel stamps (issued once only trail version, and ceased June 1992) and some different issues of Framas stamps – as depicted. Australia Post had machines in many Post Offices, which dispensed these stamps – “so to call” coil stamps. The first issue of these type of stamps started 1984 and to a last issue which in January 2003.
Please contact Mike for availability and prices of these stamps.
BOX LINK Postage Stamp